
The paper guidebook is available for those wanting to read the guidance in a traditional format. The curated content within the document has been developed using several mechanisms, including crowdsourcing, practitioner interviews and searches by the research team.

The online ACB Portal provides additional flexibility, allowing the user to search capabilities to find specific topics, including related roles and scenarios. Unlike the paper guide, we expect the content in the portal to evolve and be adjusted and enhanced over time as new or more critical change forces and needs are experienced – and as new capabilities and supporting strategies are needed within state DOTs.
It includes a resource library for browsing and searching for resources using the ACB Framework. Resources on the portal are indexed by their relevant change forces, needs and strategies.

The portal includes a practitioner directory that provides access to a voluntary list of transportation professionals who are willing to support the transportation community by sharing their expertise related to their experiences with various strategies for capability-building.
The portal also includes several shared practices resources to assist in capability-building:

  • An Events Directory that provides a listing of meetings, webinars and peer exchanges pertaining to capability-building
  • Position Descriptions for transportation agency leaders and practitioners to assist in building better job descriptions in emerging transportation fields. This resource can be used as part of an overall workforce management or information and data management strategy to develop agency capabilities.
  • Tools for capability-building, including links to web portals, software tools, online information repositories and other digital information directly available from online sources as well as other tools submitted by users.

Like the other elements linked to the paper guidebook, the portal’s shared practices, library and practitioner directory provide the ability to add to and strengthen this resource base over time.