Welcome to the Agency Capability Building Web Portal
Check out the latest videos introducing the ACB framework, portal, guidebook, and tools inventory:
Introduction to the ACB Framework and Portal

A one-stop shop for the latest information, tools, and other resources to support transportation agencies’ organizational needs.
This online platform provides practitioners with easy access to the tools and work products developed through NCHRP Project 20-24(95): Ensuring Essential Capability for the Future Transportation Agency, and the ability to add to and strengthen this resource base over time.

Explore ACB Scenarios!
The ACB Portal uses scenarios to define specific business challenges and allow users to access relevant guidance and resources. Help us improve the site by submitting your own scenario.

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ACB Framework

The ACB framework consists of three components:
  • Change Forces are external factors and trends affecting DOTs.
  • Needs are organizational capabilities necessary to respond to the change forces.
  • Strategies are ways that DOTs can respond to the needs and strengthen the required organizational capabilities.
Click on each component to learn more.