The Resource Library

The Resource Library lets you browse and search for resources using the ACB Framework. Resources are indexed by the relevant Change Forces, Needs, and Strategies.




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  1. Transportation Workforce Management Playbook, 2nd Edition
    The AASHTO Subcommittee on Transportation Workforce Management developed this playbook as a guide for applying workforce management in a state DOT. This playbook is an essential resource for transportation workforce planning and management. It is divided into sections that follow the model recommended by the NCHRP Domestic Scan 19-02: Leading Practices in Strategic Workforce Management by Transportation Agencies. The full report can be found at NCHRP20-68A_19-02.pdf
    AASHTO / 2024
  2. Critical Issues in Transportation for 2024 and Beyond
    Critical Issues in Transportation: 2024 and Beyond calls for reassessing the role of transportation in addressing major societal challenges and the research that informs the choices that society will need to make in 2024 and coming years. This reassessment is driven by large-scale environmental, public health, and socioeconomic forces. The report focuses on five societal goals: 1) Mitigating and responding to climate change, 2) Promoting equity and inclusion, 3) Increasing road safety, 4) Advancing public health, and 5) Building and sustaining a strong, competitive economy. Transportation is essential for achieving all of these societal goals.
    The National Academies Press / 2024
  3. NCHRP Research Report 1075: Becoming a Tech-Savvy DOT of Tomorrow
    This report provides a playbook for agencies to follow for defining and strategically addressing the impacts of disruptive technologies on transportation outcomes and on the performance of business units within DOTs. Supplemental to the report are NCHRP Web-Only Document 371: Impact of New Disruptive Technologies on the Performance of DOTs and a Disruptive Tech Handout
    The National Academies Press / 2023
  4. TCRP Research Report 240: Bus Operator Workforce Management: Practitioner’s Guide
    This Transit Cooperative Research Program practitioner’s guide provides recommendations and resources enabling transit agencies to better assess, plan, and implement their operator workforce management programs.
    The National Academies Press / 2023
  5. Introducing the Transportation Workforce Management Playbook
    This webinar introduces the Transportation Workforce Management Playbook. The Playbook unpacks the workforce management planning process and provides tools, resources, and techniques that have been successfully applied in various state DOTs.
    AASHTO Subcommittee on Transportation Workforce Management / 2023
  6. Best Practice Resource Guide: Capacity Building Options for DOT Transit Staff: Final Guidebook
    State Department of Transportation (DOT) transit offices face emerging, critical program management challenges: managing adequate staffing, increasing regulatory burdens, and inconsistent internal and external business practices. DOTs also encounter difficulties in attracting and retaining talented employees, such as the role of new and emerging technology, differing generational expectations, and the time required for DOTs to adapt to change. The NCHRP 20-65/Task 80 project focused on capacity building, or the process of planning for and managing workforce transformation, to develop a broader understanding of capacity building needs and options for state DOT transit offices. The Best Practice Resource Guide includes strategies and tools that state DOT transit offices can use either in their own office or across the DOT to address workforce capacity challenges.
    ICF Incorporated / 2023
  7. Connecting Efforts to Support Minorities in Engineering Education: Proceedings of a Workshop
    To review current and past efforts and explore ways to progress to a more diverse engineering profession and reach parity in comparison to the US population, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) convened a virtual 3-day workshop series on March 18, March 30, and April 20, 2022. This publication summarizes the presentation and discussion of the workshop.
    The National Academies Press / 2023
  8. NCHRP Research Report 1072: Telecommuting, Remote Work, and Hybrid Schedules: Managing the Shift to a Flexible Work Future
    Measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic led State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) to rapidly expand their flexible work policies and programs. Agencies are continuing to use flexible work arrangements. This report provides successful practices and identifies key considerations to help state DOTs offer flexible work arrangements in an equitable way that sustains agency effectiveness. It also provides guidelines for measuring performance and productivity in ways that do not rely on in-person supervision. Supplemental to the report are a PowerPoint briefing, an implementation memorandum, a set of one-page work-option descriptions, a Flexible Work Arrangement Tracking tool, and a Telework Suitability tool.
    The National Academies Press / 2023
  9. Transportation Workforce Management Playbook, 1st edition
    The transportation workforce gap that began around 2008 is widening as more workers choose retirement over full or part-time transportation-related work. In addition, due to the nation’s workforce demographics, there are fewer workers available to fill the gap created by the increase in retirements. State DOTs are struggling to maintain minimal staffing levels and worker skillsets. The AASHTO Subcommittee on Transportation Workforce Management, sanctioned by the Agency Administration Managing Committee, developed this playbook as a guide for applying workforce management in a state DOT.
    AASHTO / 2023
  10. NCHRP Research Report 1008: Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the 2030 Transportation Workforce: Design, Construction, and Maintenance
    State transportation agencies need a highly skilled workforce with the expertise required to identify and address current transportation needs while also being prepared to address the challenges of the future. This guide provides specific strategies and action plans to help agencies identify and address workforce needs through 2030 and beyond. Supplemental to the report are an Executive Summary, a Technical Memorandum, a Research Process Document, and a Presentation.
    The National Academies Press / 2023
  11. Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations: Beyond Broadening Participation
    Individuals from minoritized racial and ethnic groups continue to face systemic barriers that impede their ability to access, persist, and thrive in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) higher education and workforce. The report outlines actions that top leaders and gatekeepers in STEMM organizations can take to foster a culture and climate of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    The National Academies Press / 2023
  12. It´s All About People – Defining and Promoting Diversity and New Talent Management
    The purpose of this technical report was to investigate how Transport Administrations managed diversity and talent management within their organizations, encompassing Transport Administrations from countries at all stages of development. This study sought to establish issues and approaches for promoting diversity, as well as approaches for talent management within Transport Administrations.
    World Road Association (PIARC) / 2023
  13. TRB Transportation Research Circular E-C281: Advancing Transportation Equity
    This report is a summary of the Conference on Advancing Transportation Equity (CATE) 2021
    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine / 2022
  14. Transportation Equity Curriculum: Guidance Document
    The Transportation Equity Curriculum is a joint project of the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida (USF), the University of Wisconsin - Madison, and California Polytechnic State University (CalPoly). It was produced under a grant from the Center for Transportation Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) at the University of Texas at Arlington. The objective of this project was to prepare a curriculum on equity for graduate transportation programs (planning, engineering, public policy, etc.) that incorporates active learning techniques. The nine modules in this report address various topics of importance to transportation planning with a targeted focus on equity. The modules are designed to be used in two ways: (1) plug-and-play, to supplement existing classes, and/or (2) as a full course on equity in transportation.
    Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD) / 2022
  15. NCHRP Research Report 1004: Federal Funding Uncertainty in State, Local, and Regional Departments of Transportation: Impacts, Responses, and Adaptations
    This report describes the history of federal funding uncertainty; explores its impacts on state, regional, and local DOTs; and analyzes the strategies to mitigate these impacts.
    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine / 2022